The Uncertain Fate of Laleli

Once you leave the Baksı Village and follow the river Çoruh, you would pass through endless shades of browns. Over the steppe that stretches before… Read More

Living on the Danger Threshold

It’s a long story my girl, call me in the evening and we’ll talk then. This is Havuzlu, a village in Artvin’s Yusufeli… Read More

Uncertainties and Coping with Destruction:
Mukhtars of Artvin are Narrating

*This text consists of a collection of the phone interviews conducted with the mukhtars of settlements which have been or will be completely or partially… Read More

Now Nothing But a Name:
Vegetable Growers (Sebzeciler) Village

Routes accompanied by water perhaps make for the most enjoyable of journeys. In journeys of this kind, seas or rivers sometimes hide behind mountains or… Read More