
Çoruh Portreleri

Ayrı bir şekilde, büyük bir dil okyanusu olan Anlambilimin tam kıyısında Bookmarksgrove’da yaşıyorlar. Düden adlı küçük bir nehir yerlerinden akar ve ona gerekli regeliali sağlar. Read More

The Struggle for Artvin
Cerattepe as a School for Environmental Movements

Artvin harbors very valuable lessons, questions, and areas of debate for the growing environmental, urban, and ecological agenda in this last decade The twenty-five-year-old anti-mining… Read More

Counter-HEPP Struggles
in the Bayburt Countryside

“The Court Has Ruled: the HEPP Project in Dikmetaş is Cancelled! A verdict has been reached in the case brought against the HEPP project planned… Read More

Beware of Bobcat – or, rather, HEPP.

You must have seen the goats on your way here. To build the HEPPs, they blasted tunnels through the hills, which resulted in… Read More

“No doubt, we will meet again!”

As we stand glancing around at the village center, two people in front of a small shed, which seems like both a grocery and a… Read More

May Allah Discipline Them:
An Essay on Field Observations

They drowned it. Drowning the water. They officially drowned Çoruh. We are at the center of Bayburt. We meet Brother Hasan at the… Read More

Living on the Danger Threshold

It’s a long story my girl, call me in the evening and we’ll talk then. This is Havuzlu, a village in Artvin’s Yusufeli… Read More

Uncertainties and Coping with Destruction:
Mukhtars of Artvin are Narrating

*This text consists of a collection of the phone interviews conducted with the mukhtars of settlements which have been or will be completely or partially… Read More

Now Nothing But a Name:
Vegetable Growers (Sebzeciler) Village

Routes accompanied by water perhaps make for the most enjoyable of journeys. In journeys of this kind, seas or rivers sometimes hide behind mountains or… Read More